Fellaween ’22 — Halloween Community Contests

Spooky Season is HERE and we’re kicking it off by bringing back two popular community contests for their second year …
1st — 21st October: Pumpkinfellaz

Carve your best Deadfellaz inspired pumpkin (or regionally appropriate fruit or veggie). Competition is open to holders AND non-holders.
Three winners will be picked:
First Place will win 2 Deadfrenz NFTs
2 runners up will receive 1 Deadfrenz NFT each.
- Entries open October 1st, 9am EST and close October 21st, 9am EST. Winners will be announced Oct. 23rd
- To submit, you must post your entry to twitter, tag the Deadfellaz account (@Deadfellaz), with the hashtag #pumpkinfellaz, and submit your entry to the dedicated Airtable form: https://airtable.com/shrFggZX3gcZTd01O
- Must be a pumpkin, or a fruit/vegetable that is pumpkin-like if a pumpkin is unavailable.
- Must be obviously inspired by Deadfellaz.
- Must be ‘Carved’ which refers to any pumpkin that is cut into at all.
- Your pumpkin can be carved AND decorated, but it must have carving.
1st October — November 1st : “I am my Fella, my Fella is me”

Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the Deadest Fella of all? Cosplay as your favourite ‘fella, or ‘frenz. Non-holders can enter choosing either Betty’s pfp (1600) or Psych’s pfp (1601), or a fella or frenz someone else owns with explicit permission from the owner.
- First Place will win 1 Deadfellaz and 1 Deadfrenz NFT
- 2 runners up will both receive 1 Deadfrenz NFT each.
- Everyone else will receive social accolade, honour on your house, and many likes (probably).
- Entries open October 1st, 9am EST and close November 1st, 9am EST. Winners will be announced early November.
- Images of you in your cosplay cannot be digitally enhanced or altered.
- To submit, you must post your entry to Twitter, with the caption ‘I am my fella, my fella is me’ and #deadfellazcosplay #Fellaween, tag the Deadfellaz twitter account (@deadfellaz), and submit your entry via the dedicated Airtable form: https://airtable.com/shriiddhdidUQJvLG
- You can only submit one entry.
*Please note, with all contests of this nature — many incredible entries will be received — only a small handful will win. If you don’t win, this is not a negative reflection on you. Enter the contests for fun with the community, if you win — bonus!